Become a member

Please contact Kasper Edwards,, in order to become a member of Operations Management Forum.

Member’s offers

Every year three conferences will be held.

DTU Management conducts ongoing meetings (free for members).

In order to establish R&D projects, Ph.D. and final projects in collaboration with DTU MAN please contact Kasper Edwards


Membership fee: 8500 DKK (excl. VAT) annually per Company.

Membership fee includes one year starting from the date of payment.


Members: The first two participants are free, hereafter 950 DKK (excl. VAT) per participants.

Others: 3950 DKK (excl. VAT) for the first participant, hereafter 1950 DKK (excl. VAT) per participant.


Kasper Edwards
Associate Professor
DTU Engineering Technology